Monday, February 28, 2022

Breakfast Foods Your Kids will Love, and so will heir Health

If you're nodding in agreement, rest assured countless moms and dads feel your pain. Still, focus on developing good eating habits in your children from a young age. Those habits can follow them into adulthood and help form the foundation for a healthy life. 

Sweet Berries:

Strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are just a few of the many berries that can satisfy your sweet tooth. Or, top off morning oatmeal with a handful too. Berries have an antioxidant called anthocyanin which improves vision while protecting the nervous system and blood vessels. 


When it comes to breakfast choices, discard the sugar boxes for a delicious bowl of oatmeal. Oatmeal stabilizes your blood glucose and improves your mood. It's also full of vitamin B and beta-glucans, a substance that reduces the risk of heart disease while lowering cholesterol. 


While the belief that an apple a day will keep the doctor away might not be listed as a fact in medical journals, apples certainly make for a healthy snack. They're loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C, and they're a naturally sweet alternative to junk food. 

Best school in Indore know this and inspire children every day towards healthy living.

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