Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Future will be Paved with Optimism, Thoughtfulness, and Kindness

 I came across a story last week while skimming through various news channels where they were highlighting the new normal for kids who had started school again in Israel and China. The image of youngsters in school was completely different from what it used to be: masked, socially isolated, and sanitising their desks that were situated far apart.

Although it never occurred to me, today's schools do allow students to work from home. The COVID-19 pandemic is, and is likely to remain, a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the majority of us. Our way of life has undergone unimaginable transformations as a result.

We socialise in a way that blows the winds of change:

Adolescents' overall development includes socialisation as a critical component. Consequently, there is a strong emphasis on teachings being taught in formal classroom settings. In fact, allowing teenagers to actively learn from peer interactions is the foundation of the entire educational system. This therefore makes it possible for them to live happy, healthy lives. Another significant factor in this is the ups and downs in these interactions that occur when school either ends for the summer or resumes. Best school in Indore increases this all to your child. 

But a lot of stuff has already been changed this year. It is becoming increasingly clear that this summer break will be very different from all the others we have previously enjoyed as we move closer to it. Our capacity to meet and interact with friends and loved ones will be limited, much like our ability to travel. 

Teenagers are particularly affected by the current situation because, despite having the mental capacity to comprehend the world that is changing, they lack the adult's understanding of its overall effects. Furthermore, despite the fact that the tight limits are probably for their own safety, it will be difficult for them to temper their hopes for a summer vacation. 

Therefore, it is crucial that until these trying times are over, we try to regularly assess and address several critical areas as the caretakers of these young adults. Contact the best convent school in Indore for more.

The Importance of Art and Creativity in Education

  In today's rapidly changing educational landscape, CBSE schools play a pivotal role in shaping young minds and preparing them for a fu...