Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Symptoms Of Childhood Stress In Your Children

Stress! Don't we all recognize that sensation? As adults, we frequently experience it when we have too much on our plates or are coping with a challenging circumstance. However, did you know that stress can also affect kids? Growing in prevalence, childhood stress can negatively affect children's health and wellbeing.

We are aware that it is unsettling to consider our children experiencing any stress, but childhood is filled with novel experiences that may be too much for them to handle. Therefore, it's crucial to understand the symptoms of childhood stress and what you can do to assist your child if they exhibit them.

Symptoms of childhood stress in your children"

It goes without saying that growing up may be stressful. Kids have a lot on their plates, whether it be starting school, meeting new friends, or resolving family matters. Sadly, not all kids are prepared to handle stress in a healthy way. Your child may display some of the following symptoms if they are under stress:

1. Modifications to sleeping habits:

Your youngster may be agitated if they start having problems falling asleep or sleeping more than usual. Other modifications in your child's sleep patterns, including nightmares or bedwetting, might also be a sign of stress.

2. Modifications to eating habits:

Your child may be showing signs of stress if you notice they are not eating as much as usual or are sweating. Children may lose their appetite or struggle to eat when they are anxious, just like us adults. As an alternative, some children may turn to comfort food to ease their tension.

3. Taking risks:

It may indicate stress overload if your generally well-behaved child starts behaving up out of the blue. Acting out can appear in a variety of ways, including tantrums, aggression, or disruptive behaviour in the classroom. Choose the best school in Indore.

4. Withdrawing from relationships and pursuits:

If your child starts to distance themselves from people and activities they like, that may be another sign that they are under stress. Your youngster may be feeling overwhelmed and in need of some alone time if they suddenly appear more distant or secluded.

5. Physical issues:

Physical issues are one of the things that stress frequently causes. It could be a symptom of stress if your youngster starts complaining of headaches or stomachaches without any obvious physical cause.


Acknowledging Kindness

The staff farewell session on the last day is a fixture at every school I've worked in. The previous year was the same. One thread emerged as the speeches started to come in, and that was the message of kindness and acknowledgment. The "feel good" component was how benevolent and helpful everyone was, even though it was nice to recognise our peers who assisted us and shared expertise with us.

I started to consider the value of compassion in educational settings. Is that fair? What does that mean in reality? How does that appear in real life? Is being nice limited to softly speaking to everyone? Is it enough to care about someone while they are in front of you or in your class? Can we use kindness to assist our wards learn more effectively? Instilling kindness is crucial in the current environment and during these trying times, but it all starts with you. The best school in Indore can provide everything directly.

"There are always more effective methods to handle a matter than just criticism or ignorance." 

Build a relationship by being kind.

Do we offer compassion to pupils who are struggling? Particularly after the class has moved on and they still don't understand the idea, or when they have forgotten their assignments, equipment, or other things. Yes, they must be taught discipline, but keep in mind that forgetting a few times is not significant in the grand scheme of things. Even if your child has a persistent behavioural problem, showing kindness in the midst of difficulty can frequently help them grow more empathic, even if they don't express it at the time.

 Dr. Stanley Greenspan proposes in The Science of Floortime that when toddlers are empathised with, empathy frequently results. According to the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Foundation, the following are some immediate advantages of being kind to kids:

  • Higher social and emotional intelligence in test circumstances (e.g. self-control, decision-making, communication and problem-solving skills).

  • More optimistic perspectives about oneself and others (e.g. self-concept, self-esteem, pro-social attitudes toward aggression, and liking and feeling connected to school).

  • More virtuous social actions (e.g. daily behaviours related to getting along with and cooperating with others).

  • Less behavioural issues (e.g. aggression, disruptiveness).

  • Emotional suffering is not as intense (i.e. anxiety, depressive symptoms).

  • Higher academic performance (percentile points in the 11th to 17th range on student achievement test results) - (Durlak et al., 2011) .

Contact the CBSE-affiliated school in Indore for more.

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