Thursday, February 25, 2021

Which School to Choose, CBSE or MP Board?

Which school to choose seems like an endless debate specially in urban areas. There are not too many options as there is MP board on the one hand who is preparing a student for the state interest with easy studies and CBSE on the other hand who prepares a student for the studies of national interest with advanced curriculum and interactive learning. And there is NCERT too. So, the question may raise about where we put our apple of the eyes, our children to give them a better future? We’ll discuss this in a few points which will help us decide which study will suit our child.


MP board follow traditional study method, focusing more on provide more knowledge through words, while CBSE prefers to get things to learn with interaction. Graphics and visual which will interact with the readers. Studies  


MP board prepares a child by teaching it the state’s interest. Studies will be done according to the state syllabus and on the other hand, CBSE prepares the student by teaching the students about the national interests.


Some of the major competitive exams like AIPMT, AIEE, JET, etc., are being conducted by CBSE board. Having familiar with the CBSE board pattern a student will feel more comfortable while giving the exams.

So, this makes it clears that CBSE exams prepare the best out of the student by making them capable of pursuing bigger tasks in life and the tasks which are related to the national interests.


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